About this course

Chess Training helps to develop student’s analytical skills and capability to see from someone else's perspective while it also builds creativity as well as improves cognitive ability. Our Chess Training is organized in a way that it will help a student increase their intelligence and ability of problem-solving as excelling every level of Chess. Getting trained at an early age (above 4 years of age) can raise the IQ of students, improve concentration and planning strategies. Studies have shown that while playing chess both, the left and right hemispheres of the brain develop equally. With enormous benefits, it also teaches the value of sportsmanship and enhances Self-esteem. GuidELearn Online Chess Training is beginner-friendly and organized with International Trainers.

Chess Tutor
Chess Tutor
Chess Tutor
Chess Tutor
Can I just enroll in a single course? I'm not interested in the entire Specializat

No Actual Chess Board is necessary for Regular/Demo Class. Through Live interactive sessions, students can learn through Applications recommended by Trainer.

How to participate in GuidElearn Chess Tournaments?

Once students have completed Level 1 Course, they are eligible to participate in our Weekly GuidElearn Chess Tournaments.

How many Sessions are required to complete each level?

Every Level of Chess needs up to 15-20 Sessions (Note- It also depends upon the pace of student)

How do I book Chess Demo Class?

For Chess Demo Class you can click here. You can email us at
or Whatsapp text us at Pooja Rawal - +919699597750

In Level 1, we’ll learn:
  • Introduction to the Game of Chess
  • Chessboard & Chessmen
  • Chess Notations
  • Piece-movement rules
  • How the Pieces captures
  • How pieces attack and defend
  • What is a Check? And how to put the opponent’s king in check
  • Principles to get the King out of Check
  • Special Chess Moves like Castling, Promotion, Under-Promotion &En-Passant
  • Values of the pieces
  • Brief Checkmate ideas
  • Multiplication 1D x 1D, Multiplication 2D x 1D

In Level 2, we’ll learn:
  • Art of delivering Checkmate in One move
  • Learning to Exchange correctly
  • Basics of Opening Strategy
  • Common Opening errors
  • Common Checkmating Ideas
  • Art of delivering Checkmate in Two moves
  • Elementary Checkmate with Two Rooks
  • Students will start playing Training Games with simple opening set-up.

In Level 3, we’ll learn:
  • Checkmate with 1 Rook
  • Checkmate with 2 Bishops
  • Learning Mating patterns
  • Introduction to Chess Tactics
  • Puzzles and competition on the same
  • Learning to Exchange Correctly
  • Basic Opening strategies
  • Basic Endgame strategies
  • How to win when having large material advantage
  • Playing Training games and Analysis

I can highly recommend GuidElearn coming from my experience. My son is taking Chess lessons with them and he is enjoying the process. He learned so many technical terms, patterns and positions. Our instructor Dhrikshu is extremely patient and knows exactly how to work around with 7 year old.The communication is very professional and timely. Absolutely worth giving it a try.Thank you GuidElearn! Keep up the good work and all the best.

He is very patient, knows how to keep children engaged, very accommodative. Best chess instructor my child has got

Very nice. Highly recommended

My son takes Chess and VedicMaths classes. Teachers are very knowledgeable and explains well. He loves attending the classes and I highly recommend it to everyone.

Positive: Communication, Professionalism, Quality, Value