Trainer applicants need to fill online registration form and clear 2 Rounds of Selection Process.
Telephonic Interview
Online Trial Class (of your Respective Subject) to GuidElearn Team
Once your Registration is received, GuidElearn team will contact you for a telephonic interview. As per your Telephonic Interview you will be shortlisted to provide a 25 minutes Demo Class of your respective subject. Post Clearance of both the Rounds you will receive results on your provided email within 48 hours.
All the Trainers need to provide one Free Demo Session of 25-40 minutes to New Students.
Demo Class Schedule is finalized as per Trainers and Students Availability.
Once Demo Class Schedule is finalized it cannot be cancelled by the Trainer (except for an emergency)
In the Demo Class Group you will need to provide joining Link (Zoom, G-meet) for the students at least 2 hours before the Demo Class Schedule.
The Trainers need to ready for Demo class at least 15 minutes prior and ensure that there is no Technical Issues.
Demo Class can be for Individual Student or in Group.
25 minutes
45 minutes
Demo Class should include Brief introduction about your respective course subject and Question and Answer with students and parents round for doubt clearance.
Once the Students confirm their admission for the Course, we will form a Whatsapp Group which will include The Founder, The Trainer and the Students/Parents.
In the Group the Trainer shall provide recurring joining link for all the classes.
Trainers need to be are ready at least 10 minutes prior the class timing and ensure there is no technical Trouble from their end.
Trainers need to ensure that they are available with proper camera, mike and speaker.
Trainers need to ensure their Background Picture is decent and presentable.
Trainers need to provide Time to Time Homework/Study Materials in the Group.
Trainers need to take screenshot of every class and share to GuidElearn Coordinator after the class.
Trainers cannot personally contact the students/parents, all the discussions needs to be done in the group only.
Monthly Students Meeting needs to be conducted by every trainer for the discussion of progress and feedback.
Trainers need to keep their Monthly Timesheets updated after every session and submit via email at end of every month.