Mandala Art Training
About this course

Mandala is one of the oldest and beautiful forms of art. They symbolize protection, growth, and more. Mandala is a traditional Art Course known to increase One’s focus and creativity, widely known for Art Therapy. Our Mandala Art Training Program consists of positive techniques and meditative exercises that make the learner feel stress-free and encourage them to create patterns of their own within a few sessions An Extremely Beginner Friendly Course designed with all types of Mandala for all-aged-groups.

  • A Clean Sheet of Paper
  • A pencil
  • A Drawing compass
  • A Ruler
  • An Eraser
  • Protractor
  • Fineliner/Thin marker
Mandala Art Tutor
What materials do I require for Mandala Demo/Regular Sessions?

Following are the materials required for Mandala lessons, A Clean Sheet of Paper, A pencil, A Drawing compass, A Ruler, An Eraser, Protractor, Fineliner/Thin marker

Do I need to have any knowledge of Designing /drawing to Start Mandala lessons?

No previous knowledge of Designing/Drawing is needed to learn Mandala lessons. Our Lessons are designed for complete beginners.

How do I book Mandala Demo Class?

For Mandala Demo Class you can click here. You can email us at
or Whatsapp text us at Pooja Rawal - +919699597750

  • Introduction to Mandalas
  • Lines, Angles and Patterns of Mandala
  • Types of Mandala
  • Geometric Mandala- Consisting Lines and Geometric Shapes
  • Architectural Mandala- Type of a 3D drawing
  • Figure Mandala- Drawn inside a symbol
  • Flower Mandala- Most Famous Pattern, symbolizing balance.
  • Letter Mandala- Patterns Shaped like Letters