Vedic Maths
About this course

Vedic Math is an assortment of Techniques/Sutras that enables students to solve mathematical problems in a fast as well as easy way. Our Vedic Math Training will let the students to think systematically and also creatively. Vedic Math builds a strong Foundation for kids it is highly recommended for kids above 10 years of age. The Training will also help kids to develop logical and creative instincts. The Ease and Effectiveness of Vedic Math creates an interest in kids for Math. The Vedic Math Training is not limited to Arithmetic but it also is applicable for algebra, geometry, trigonometry, and calculus.

Vedic Math Tutor
What is Vedic Math?

Vedic Math is an assortment of Techniques/Sutras to solve Mathematical Arithmetics.

What are the Advantages of Learning Vedic Math?

Vedic Math helps students to speed up Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division Sums. The Techniques are beneficial while preparing for competitive exams.

How do I book Vedic Math Demo Class?

For Vedic Math Demo Class you can click here. You can email us at
or Whatsapp text us at Pooja Rawal - +919699597750

Level 1
  • Multiplication by 9, 11, 22-99, 12-19,111, 222-999.
  • If the sum of unit digit is 10 and tens place digit is the same.
  • If the sum of tens place digit is 10 and unit digits are the same
  • Multiplication y number ending with 9
  • General Method Multiplication 2D x 3D and 3D x3D
  • Subtraction, Vinculum, Devinculum, Base Methods (Addition, Subtraction, Division)
  • Squares (Above the Base and below the Base 10 to 900)
  • Squares of number starting with 5 and number ending with 5

My son takes Chess and VedicMaths classes. Teachers are very knowledgeable and explains well. He loves attending the classes and I highly recommend it to everyone.